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Tri-Satt Sounds Music Group is a record label with emphasis on building the careers of up and coming inspired artists. Based in Los Angeles, CA and Atlanta, GA
Tri-Satt Sounds is utilizing it's resources to give inspired artists radio servicing and major distribution for their projects as well as introduction to major level platforms and stages worldwide.
Tri-Satt Sounds Music Group is a proud content contributor for
Satt Music
Sirus XM
Prayzefest Gospel Network
Triune Global Publishing (BMI Affiliate)
Distribution @ EDGM, Sony Music, The Orchard

Keith Satterfield, Owner
Studio Facilitator (California)

Teresa Jordan, Owner
Radio Servicing & Distribution Consultant
Project Manager

A/R Director
Management Services

Milton Wallace
A/R Representative
Recruitment/Artists Development
Talein Harris
Artists Relations Manager
Educational Development
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